Safe & Vault Works

Safe & Vault Works


Sain Locks can gain access to your safe if you are locked out of it.

Got a problem with a safe or vault? Lost the key? Lock won’t open? Combination lock is stuck? Saint Locks can help, whether you need us to open a locked safe or provide a brand new one. Not being able to access your safe can be at best inconvenient and at worst, potentially prevent a business from trading until it is opened.

It is important to locate any safe that you own, in the most secure place possible. Be that either at home or at work. St Locks can advise you on where best to situate your safe and install it for you. Smaller safes must be well hidden and out of view. Larger safes can actually be fixed in position. Either by being bolted to a wall or to the floor. If you have under floor heating in your building however, the safe will need to be fixed to the floor by alternative means. When fixing a safe to the wall, it must be secured to a solid wall.

Please get in touch for more information, either by email, complete the contact form to the left of the screen or by phoning Saint Locks.

With thanks for the use of the photograph of the Sentry safe to BrokenSphere GNU Free Documentation Licens